Plantronics Savi 8220 DECT

CS500 vs Savi Series

Does your business need the popular Plantronics (Now Poly) CS500 Series wireless headsets or Savi Series? What’s the difference between CS500 vs Savi Series?

Plantronics (Now Poly) produces wireless headsets that increase productivity by providing mobility in the office and multiple connectivity options to support how you work.

The CS500 Series consists of DECT and 900MHz wireless headsets with single connectivity to Desk Phones.

Overview of the differences between these very popular models of headsets from Poly (formerly Plantronics). Let us know if you have any questions about these headsets!

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How do you choose the right headsets for your organization? Part I

Series by Danny Hayasaka


Having been in this industry for over 19 years I’ve had the opportunity to see the evolution of headsets. Some dismiss headsets as commodities however they are becoming increasingly critical to an organizations business processes and their overall business communications and collaboration strategies.

The headset is how your company’s voice is transmitted to the world. In addition to customers and partners, clear communications are also important internally amongst peers and colleagues. More emphasis should be placed on selecting the right headset if listening to your customers and being able to be heard clearly matters to you and your business.

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